His golden chariot and steeds so bright,
Erasing darkness, give the world light,
As He rides across the skies so fast,
Erasing darkness, give the world light,
As He rides across the skies so fast,
Bringing dawn, at long last.
His smiling and perfectly wonderful face,
His youthfulness and charming grace,
Fill every heart with joy and desire,
To gaze constantly at the Lord of Fire.
He stops, stalls, or waits for none,
After all, He is the sun,
The conquerer of my heart,
But alas, we're doomed to be apart.
For although I am named after Him,
And He is my every fancy and whim,
I stand with my arms outstretched,
With His name in my heart etched,
He never even notices me,
As He rides by in all his glee,
I just follow His course each day
Gentle winds making me sway,
My feet rooted to the ground,
My tongue never making a sound,
I stand tall, and watch Him go by,
Not even a tear escapes my eye.
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